Donald Trump Jr.: "I was in North Carolina...I saw devastation, but also...the best of the human spirit."

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Quick Hit: 

In Tuesday’s episode of Triggered, Donald Trump Jr. discussed his recent visit to hurricane-hit North Carolina, highlighting the contrast between grassroots relief efforts and the federal government’s inaction. “These guys do real work, unlike government agencies,” he said of Samaritan’s Purse, adding, “When I asked the local sheriff where FEMA was, he told me, ‘We don’t know. We haven’t seen them.’”

Key Details:

  • Donald Trump Jr. recounted his experience visiting Pensacola Township, North Carolina, with Samaritan’s Purse, an organization led by Edward Graham. He described the team’s efforts, noting they flew in Black Hawk helicopters to deliver vital supplies like generators and medical assistance to areas devastated by the hurricane.

  • Emphasizing the lack of federal presence, Trump Jr. expressed his frustration over the absence of FEMA and other government agencies, questioning their priorities. “These agencies that are supposed to be helping Americans are nowhere to be seen, while local volunteers are stepping up,” he said, highlighting the need for more accountable leadership.

  • Trump Jr. announced his commitment to traveling across the country to rally voters ahead of the November elections. He made it clear he would be working "every day" to counter the Harris administration's policies, arguing, “We need people mobilized if we want to avoid more of these failures.”

Diving Deeper:

On Tuesday’s episode of Triggered, Donald Trump Jr. offered a detailed look into his recent trip to hurricane-stricken North Carolina, where he partnered with Samaritan’s Purse to deliver aid and witness the devastation firsthand. He began by commending the organization’s efforts, led by Edward Graham, highlighting how their rapid deployment of helicopters and supplies starkly contrasted with the federal government’s absence. “They were flying in Black Hawk helicopters, dropping generators and supplies. I wish our government functioned half as well as these guys do,” Trump Jr. remarked.

He elaborated on his frustration with FEMA and other federal agencies, recounting a conversation he had with local officials who expressed disappointment at the lack of government support. “When I asked the local sheriff where FEMA was, he said, ‘We don’t know. We haven’t seen them.’ It’s clear where their priorities lie,” he stated, criticizing how the federal response often fails the communities in need. Trump Jr. used this as a launchpad to critique the Biden-Harris administration, emphasizing that their focus is “anywhere but on helping Americans in their time of need.”

Drawing a broader connection to the 2024 election, Trump Jr. stressed the importance of holding the current administration accountable. He argued that the federal government’s focus on foreign aid and accommodating illegal immigrants—rather than on disaster relief for American citizens—illustrates a failure in priorities. He pointed out that while billions are spent housing illegal immigrants, citizens in hurricane-hit areas receive inadequate support, with locals often relying on church groups and volunteer organizations like Samaritan’s Purse. "The people who lost loved ones and homes in North Carolina get a $750 loan from FEMA because FEMA blew their budget for almost a billion dollars housing illegal immigrants all over the country in luxury hotels,” he argued, pointing to what he described as a dangerous misallocation of resources under the Harris administration.

Trump Jr. also shared some personal anecdotes from his time on the ground, describing the resilience and strength of the affected communities. “I saw the worst of Mother Nature and the best of humanity,” he said. He recounted stories of residents who had lost their homes and loved ones, expressing gratitude for his visit and the aid efforts. “Some of these people have lost everything, yet they still had the strength to come up to me, thank us, and tell us they were glad we were paying attention.”

Additionally, Trump Jr. linked the lack of government efficiency to broader systemic issues within the administration, such as their handling of border policies. He highlighted recent statements by Bill Clinton, admitting that Kamala Harris’ policies contributed to avoidable deaths due to poor vetting. “They’re finally admitting it—if they actually vetted people, this stuff wouldn’t happen,” he commented, underscoring how these failures have tangible, tragic consequences for American communities.

Pivoting to the campaign trail, Trump Jr. underscored his commitment to rally conservative voters in response to these issues. He emphasized that he would be out on the road daily until November, targeting key battleground states and ensuring that conservative voices are heard. “We need to make this election too big to rig,” he stated, arguing that mobilization and participation are essential to counter the administration’s failures and restore leadership that prioritizes American citizens. “If we lose this one, there’s no coming back,” he warned, urging his audience to engage, vote, and support grassroots efforts like Samaritan’s Purse that make a real difference on the ground.

Trump Jr. reinforced his call for action, urging viewers to fight back against the left's agenda by staying informed, supporting local communities, and mobilizing against government failures. “This is the America we all know exists,” he declared, “but we’ve got to protect it.”

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