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RFK Jr. endorses Trump, sending shockwaves through the Democrat establishment

Mon Aug 26 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump, causing a stir within the Democrat establishment. The endorsement has led to strong reactions, including criticism from key figures like David Axelrod and members of the Kennedy family.

Key Details:

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ended his presidential campaign on Friday and endorsed Donald Trump, nullifying any potential momentum Kamala Harris might have gained from the DNC.

  • David Axelrod, former senior advisor to President Obama, expressed deep disappointment, calling RFK Jr.'s decision a "sad ending to a sad story."

  • Several members of the Kennedy family issued a statement condemning RFK Jr.'s endorsement, describing it as a betrayal of their family's values.

Diving Deeper:

In a surprising political move, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced the suspension of his campaign on Friday and threw his support behind former President Donald Trump. The endorsement has sent shockwaves throughout the Democrat establishment, particularly as it undermines any potential boost Kamala Harris could have gained from the Democratic National Convention.

Earick Ward, writing in an op-ed for American Thinker, highlighted the intense reaction from prominent Democrats, including former Obama advisor David Axelrod, who took to social media to express his dismay. "Robert F. Kennedy was my political hero. He battled fiercely & eloquently against poverty, injustice and for economic fairness," Axelrod lamented, adding, "Sadly RFK Jr., who made a rambling exit from the race today, proves that sometimes an apple DOES fall far from the tree…in this case, down a hill and over a cliff."

The backlash wasn't limited to Axelrod. Members of the Kennedy family also voiced their disappointment, releasing a statement that read, "We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride." They went on to describe RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Trump as "a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear."

Ward's op-ed, however, offers a different perspective, suggesting that RFK Jr.'s decision was born out of frustration with the way the Democrat Party treated him. "This was surely not an easy decision for RFK, but what could he do? The Democrat party treated him like crap," Ward wrote. He pointed out that RFK Jr. had initially tried to reach out to Kamala Harris, offering to drop out of the race in exchange for a potential cabinet position—a proposal that was ultimately rejected.

Ward also draws parallels between Donald Trump and past Kennedy and Reagan administrations, arguing that Trump's policies align with the values once championed by John F. Kennedy. "Donald Trump is an America First Kennedy/Reagan-style Republican," Ward asserted, highlighting the economic growth and increased job opportunities that followed Trump's tax cuts.

In a pointed critique of today's Democrat Party, Ward argues that figures like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have strayed far from the principles that once defined the Kennedy legacy. "John F. Kennedy was a Catholic. I think he would be repulsed by today’s Democrat Party," Ward wrote, emphasizing that JFK's vision of national pride and individual responsibility stands in stark contrast to the current leadership.

As the political landscape continues to shift, RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Trump serves as a reminder of the deep divisions within the Democrat Party and the growing appeal of Trump's "America First" platform among voters who once identified with the Kennedy legacy.



"Robert Kennedy Jr." by Gage Skidmore licensed under (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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