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Poll: Dems face voter discontent over Harris nomination

Mon Oct 21 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

A new poll reveals significant discontent among voters—both Republicans and Democrats—over the Democratic Party's decision to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate.

Key Details:

  • A majority (58%) of voters believe the Democratic Party’s nomination process did not yield the strongest candidate.

  • 55% of Black voters support Harris as the party’s best option, while only 25% of Hispanic voters agree.

  • 55% of all voters say they lost faith in the DNC for not disclosing Biden’s health issues during the primaries.

Diving Deeper:

With Election Day drawing near, frustration is brewing across the political spectrum as a majority of voters express dissatisfaction with how the Democratic Party removed President Joe Biden from the 2024 race and installed Vice President Kamala Harris. The latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows that the discontent spans both Republicans and Democrats, with many voters feeling sidelined by the process.

According to the poll, 58% of voters agreed that the process used by the DNC failed to produce the strongest candidate. Terry Jones of Issues & Insights noted in his op-ed that "even among Democrats, 40% agreed that Harris was not the party’s best choice." The poll also revealed that a significant portion of Independents, 55%, sided with Republicans in their criticism of the party’s moves.

This frustration extends to racial demographics. While 55% of Black voters felt Harris was the strongest candidate, only 25% of Hispanic voters shared that view, highlighting a major 30-point gap in support. Jones points out that “the disappointment cuts across almost all demographic lines, with only a few segments, like Black voters and self-described liberals, still showing strong backing for Harris."

Another flashpoint is the DNC’s method of installing Harris without a popular vote. A majority of 52% viewed the process as “undemocratic,” and even 37% of Democrats voiced concerns about the fairness of their party’s decision. The lack of transparency around Biden’s health also drew criticism, with 55% of all voters—and an overwhelming 80% of Republicans—reporting they lost faith in the DNC over this issue.

As Jones highlights, a “solid one-third of Democrats remain angry with their party” and could either stay home or swing the election by withholding their vote. Polls remain tight, with RealClearPolitics showing Harris leading Trump by a razor-thin margin of 0.9 points, down from her 2.2-point lead earlier in October. The TIPP Tracking Poll also showed Trump holding a narrow 49% to 47% lead over Harris.

With cracks emerging in the Democratic base, Jones wonders whether these grievances will translate into a significant impact at the polls. The party’s internal struggles, particularly regarding Harris's candidacy, may prove to be a decisive factor in the upcoming election.

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